An all time Anime Classic, Princess Mononoke follows the story of Prince Ashitaka, who after being cursed by a Demon God, is casted out of his village to seek a cure. But upon his journey, he discovers a great dilemna between the spirits of the forest and the people of Iron Town. Can Prince Ashitaka establish balance as he suffers from this fatal curse?
A beautifuly crafted film from the highly esteemed Studio Ghibli, Princess Mononoke displays a set of core values that need to be re evaluated in the world today. As well as its heavy influence from Japanese folklore, the film touches on spirituality and modern day environmental issues.
What's wonderful about this film that it packs a powerful message to co-exist with nature, on a physcial and spiritual plain. It stresses that we all need to understand the natural flow of life and how selfishness can not just the lead to the destruction of our environment, but also severe the ties we have amongst ourselves.
Not just a film with awesome animation and a touching storyline, but a film that has the power to open eyes. A film that can definitely leave a lasting effect for the good.
Fun Fact : Mononoke is the Japanese word for a very vengeful spirit [or monster].